Tag Archives: kingdom age

Does the devil own a day?

The devil doesn’t own October 31st. In fact I am not going to call this day anything other than a day of light. I see so much darkness around me but only I am responsible for myself and for how I carry and bring the light (that is Jesus) into my neighbourhood, town or city. I can choose to either :

A) participate with the darkness (if you can’t beat them join them). go to a Halloween party, do trick or treating (because after all just a harmless bit of fun) etc…

B) comment on the darkness, have a moan, stomp your feet, lock your doors and windows, tell the little kids to ‘beat it!’ or you’ll call the police.

or C) choose to bring light to your neighbourhood. (I prefer this one 😉 )

Today isn’t meant to be a super serious post but rather I thought I would share some of the simple ways in which I thought I could bring a little bit of God’s light to my town. These don’t have to just happen tomorrow they can be ongoing things especially as we are getting into winter people can really empathise with light themes.

  1. In my town people are going crazy painting little rocks and leaving them in public places. It’s a fun activity for kids and then the kids and adults go hunting and post a picture onto facebook. Many people have obviously been painting pumpkins and witches but I decided to paint some with messages like ‘warrior child’ and ‘I am loved’ with pictures of crowns and hearts (you could do anything). I am going to do some more with subtle biblical messages and little candles on that say ‘look towards the light’ and “this little light of mine”. Honestly a great idea and anyone can find them. Pray before you place them in your town and remember to varnish them so the paint doesn’t come off!

2) Have a light party. I am having a few friends and their kids over. We are having a sort of combined bonfire/light themed party. I am hiding fake candles in the garden (you can buy off amazon) and the kids will find them, we are going to play some games and then eat food including a giant chocolate bonfire my son and I made today! I am going to decorate the house with light related bible verses and have subtle music playing in the background.

3) Play worship music all day even if you’re out. Remember this can change the atmosphere and won’t allow evil into your house but also into your neighbourhood. The demons hate worship so won’t want to be anywhere near it.

4) do a prayer walk, offer to pray for people or do a treasure hunt (where you ask for a specific message, place and a person to talk to). Even host a prayer meeting or worship meeting (witchcraft is quite big at this time so prayer and praise will do wonders for the atmosphere).

5) don’t moan about the darkness but anytime someone starts talking about something negative or negatively change the topic and talk about something positive. Tell them you think they are great, find something positive about your town or city.

6) I left sweets outside of my house with bible verses and positive messages on them (I guess people might not want to do this as could encourage trick or treaters)  but I felt I should do it last year and all of the sweets were gone and none of the bible verses were on the ground so the kids had certainly taken them home.  Some of the messages were: ‘you are loved’, ‘God loves you’, ‘Jesus is our light’, ‘Look to Jesus’, ‘You are precious’, ‘never give up’.

I hope this encourages you and if you have any extra creative ideas then please comment so other people can take your ideas away. I cant think of anymore for now but I hope this encourages you that whatever your age you can do something to change your community for the better.

Out with the darkness and in with the light 🙂 Jesus is that light!







Kingdom Age Church

The church of the Kingdom Age won’t look much like church today. Here are some ways that it will be different.

  • It will be messy. I often think of my son and how dirty and messy he gets when playing outside or with paints yet at the same time I remember his look of pure joy when he’s realised he can get as messy as he wants and he enjoys himself even more. Church will be a little bit like that. It’s going to be a place where people are going to be able to ‘be’ who God created them to be.
  • It will be filled with messy people or people who are labelled as ‘bad people’. For this reason there will be a big split in the church because many people with a religious mind-set won’t be able to accept this. This comes from the same spirit that the Pharisees were under. It is a spirit that says ‘I am better than you. Salvation is for me but not for them. They’re not the right kind of person’. I am afraid we cannot pick and choose. Yes we do need to repent but true repentance is never not messy.
  • Church may not be in a church. John Wesley was a great preacher from the 18th He preached in the fields, on the highlands and was persecuted greatly for his faith. He reached thousands of messy people. He wasn’t accepted by the church.
  • It will be creative and fun. I don’t know about you but I don’t always think of the word ‘fun’ when I think of ‘church’. Heaven is really fun so guess what something is going to change.
  • Jesus will be there in the midst of this new church. For many churches who decide to continue with blind religion Jesus may never appear there but for those who are following the Father’s heart He will be very much in the midst. God’s presence will be tangible and He will touch all who enter in.

“Jesus at the center of it all
Jesus at the center of it all
From beginning to the end
It will always be, it’s always been You
Jesus, Jesus”

Darlene Zschech “Jesus be the center”