Kingdom Come

In order to gain revelation and wisdom on the future of God’s kingdom in the UK and in the world we need to do a number of things.

  • We first and fore mostly need to spend time with God. God reveals what he wants to especially to those who are found on their knees in the secret place, to those who sacrifice their lives daily for Him and for those who are living holy lives. This could be on your knees in your room in the silence, whilst you are listening to anointed worship music or maybe even when you are just washing the dishes. Let’s be alert and keep our Father in our every thought. We need to seek Him for His purpose for England and for the world.
  • We need to be connecting with people of light. After Brexit I have really been awakened in the spirit and have been connected to different people, people I never imagined I would be, new people, old acquaintances, and even those in other countries. These are not friendships I pushed for but rather supernatural occurrences which I believe were ordained by God. For example, God has given me some beautiful and blessed friendships from America. They have taught me so much, have exposed me to the truth and left me hungry for more. These people can often be the jigsaw pieces in the puzzle.
  • We need to take a look at the past. This does not mean that the future will be the same as the past but rather that it can give us some great insights into God’s heart. It can open our eyes to see the true failures of man and how to avoid them. For example looking at the Great Awakening and what triggered it. Looking at these “Great men and women of God” and seeing what it was exactly that made them “Great” and what we can take from that. Try reading: God’s Heart For A Dying Land by Michael Marce
  • This point ties into my third point but we need to also look at the geography of the land. We need to look for where the ancient wells are, which areas were saturated with revival and the spirit of the Living God. I believe that there are areas that are portals into the heavenly realms. Sadly, many have for decades been taken by the enemy but it’s time for us to take them back for God and to release the Host into them to battle the darkness. Try looking at this is a good website which shows all the different geographical regions of the UK.

I will post more on my next two blogs about point 3 and 4.

God bless you and thank you for sharing my post on Richard’s Watch. which is a great website to get insight and revelation. Let’s connect and build one another up!!

God bless you all and may the Host be with you! 🙂



Sources: picture:

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