Category Archives: UK

A Light has Dawned

“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned”. Isaiah 9:2

This isn’t a vision that I had but rather a feeling inside whilst I was praying one day.

I was observing all of the negativity on the news, all over facebook and being spoken about. I don’t have a TV but it’s very hard to avoid the news altogether. I found the more I listened to it the angrier and sadder I felt. I saw the media cover ups, the denial to equate anything isis with Islam due to political correctness, the atrocities that continue in majority Muslim countries to those of different faiths and nothing being done. Suddenly it struck me and I felt God speak to me of his unconditional love for Muslims and how he desperately wants them to know Him. I felt God speak to me of a great destiny which is why the devil has taken hold of them and blinded them. The devil knows that some people have great destinies and will do anything for God which is why he desperately wants to keep them in the dark. However, I was taken back to the bible to a man named Saul who was the most fervent Jew and he believed only was was right and anyone who disagreed was treated very harshly. He was responsible for the mass slaughter of many many Christians (and I expect the people below him were treated less than favourably too). However, this happened because the devil knew that Saul would be one of the most powerful weapons for good that happened in the early church and he was terrified. So we know the story Saul changed to Paul, was radically changed by an encounter with Jesus and won more souls for God than the rest of the church together. What I am saying is that despite the evil and the negativity surrounding us I believe that we are about to see many many Sauls emerging from the Muslim community radically changed by Jesus challenging Muslims, Atheists and yes even the church. I doubt we will hear about this on the news. In fact just recently I read about how a group of lions saved some Christians in the middle East and another story about isis leaders being touched by God and changing. It is happening but I believe that soon the news are going to have a very hard job hiding it and we are about to see such an explosion of Jesus in the once Muslim communities including those already living in the UK that it will be common knowledge to all.

I just wanted to encourage you not to give up, not to stop praying and not to feed on the negativity. Yes there are many many evil things that are happening and being exposed but we are about to see mega change and be reminded of God’s great great love for those who are still in the dark. His light will shine and very soon it will be so bright that all will see it.

A Day to Remember

12th November 2017 March of Remembrance

As I walked into the exposed and blustery town looking out onto the open sea looking to find the little parade my eyes were stunned to see the sight of at least one third of the town stood in grand formation with their majestic flags flying in the wind. I was welcomed into line by two great and tremendous Union Jack flags moving in the air. Perhaps I am an emotional person but as I found a place in line I felt my eyes watering and I wasn’t even sure why. There was a level of solemnity in the atmosphere but also solidarity as we stood there anxiously waiting for the start. More and more people joined onto the back of the line every one of them wearing their poppies, little red specks of hope creating a floating field. I know without a doubt that I had never expected so many people to be there. I knew in my heart that every one of them had made the willing choice to be out there on the seafront in the cold to remember and respect. As we started marching, I felt God’s presence there as the flags blew signalling for men, women and children of all ages to follow behind. I felt united to the people around me and with smiles we made our way to the windy beach. Everywhere we walked there were people wearing poppies clapping, waving and smiling, many of whom joined in behind. We finally reached a high point with a grandiose view of the open sea where the wreaths were to be placed and everyone was to observe the two minutes silence. The land seemed to go quiet at 11 am even the gulls seemed to stop their screeching for a short time. People came out of their homes and stood there in silence and reverence not just for those who died before us, but those who give their lives each day but most importantly to remember the freedom that was bought and could so easily be taken away again. Perhaps it was this new found knowledge of the fact that freedom in today’s society is being taken away (and not in a gradual manner at that), maybe it was a reaction to the current Labour leader when he said ‘we have nothing to remember’, or maybe just an inert sense of respect suddenly placed in them from a heavenly realm. I am certain God had his hand on every person in my town when it went silent last week and I stood there remembering but also praying that God would implant something of himself into each of these people. And to my surprise prayers were read and heads were bowed, hymns were sung and unity was in the air. And as we entered back into the town received by crowds of people in red scarves and wearing poppies cheering and smiling standing in respect on the road side I knew without a doubt that God had answered my prayers.


I pray that this encourages you because this is what I felt as I stood there last Sunday. I felt that God’s spirit was there and that it touched many people consciously or not. I also felt that the land was singing God’s praises and the flags were flying as a sign. I know it was a march that brought people together in unity and it was also very British too in the sense that people seemed to be unashamed of their nationality and were proud of their town and country and its great legacy. I know that whatever happens in the spiritual sometimes takes time to manifest in the natural but mark my words I am certain we will see something great happen very very soon.

Come Thou Fount

I was encouraged as I watched this version of ‘Come Thou Fount’ sang by Awaken Generation in the Philippines. It warmed my heart and touched my spirit as I watched these beautiful people praising our Father with such a beautiful and stirring song written by one of the great mystics of old mixed with modern instruments. Then I thought of all the many missionaries that were sent out from especially the UK and the USA to the ends of the Earth during the previous centuries. Then I heard in my spirit ‘they are coming’. I felt that now they are coming to us or they will be. Just like our ancestors as missionaries reminded their ancestors and brought them back to the love of Jesus they will also remind us and bring back many people here, who have wandered far away, to Jesus.

We are now on the threshold of something great. Something has changed in our land. It has happened before but this time it will be different. And going back to the missionaries, although there will be many missionaries  it will be done using the internet which will be used greatly in this age to come and in the Harvest. It will be used as a portal to bring light and life into people’s homes (although it will also be used  by the enemy as a tool- as many will no doubt have seen but now it’s God’s time). Here I have copied the link below to the song. I pray that it blessed you too. I am excited to be alive at a time like this!




What Will Revival Look Like?

I just thought I would write down some of my thoughts here. Because we have just stepped into a new time threshold and now it’s God’s time to move I was thinking about what this next move of God will look like:

Something that kept coming into my mind was that God is going to use those that society says will never be used and are useless. When I heard this I was instantly excited in my spirit because I know so many people who have been told by society that they are not worth a penny. I know God holds their worth and they are more precious than diamonds. I was trying to picture it in my mind. I saw people from all tribes and tongues. I saw worship in church in many different languages. I was reminded of a time at New Wine when some Masai warriors worshipped on the stage. Oh my goodness one of the best moments in my life. Another moment was when I was at International Gateway camp in Hong Kong and each nation did a song and dance on stage on a different night. There was wonderful worship, complete strangers holding hands and singing. Most of all was the forgiveness. At one point a Japanese girl got onto the stage followed by her group with tears streaming down their cheeks and begged for forgiveness from the Chinese. A couple of Chinese jumped up and ran to the stage followed by about 50 (all of them there) and they gave the Japanese group hugs which lasted a very long time. It was an emotional but joyful time. I will always remember that. That I think is how church will be. Nobody will be in need and people will never feel alone. People who have been abused, even those who have attacked others (but repented), many former Muslims (especially those who hated Christians most-I am reminded of Paul here), and those who currently belong to some certain politically correct movements who hate, hate, hate and who at this current time you would look at them and think “how on earth will God use someone like that to bring his kingdom on Earth?” will all not only be a part of this next movement but they will be leaders and many yes will be persecuted but God’s power will be shown through them because, “Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little”. (Luke 7:47 KJV). I am so excited. So don’t listen to the gloom and doom because it’s time for God to have some room!!:)


God bless you all and may the Host of Heaven and the Holy Spirit be with you 🙂

Modern Day Tarshish

I was praying over the world and especially the UK (where I live) today so when I opened my bible on Isaiah 23 today I was amazed. This verse particularly stood out to me “Pass ye over to Tarshish; wail, ye inhabitants of the coast.”. Perhaps this is because as I am from near the coast. However, it resonates with me and spoke to me. I felt it is a reminder to all of us to cry out to God with all of our heart and soul in order for Him to move here.

I had read before that Tarshish is actually a reference to the British isles so I thought I would do a little research into this.  I found this taken from ‘the Oxford bible church website’ The young lions of Tarshish are a reference to the colonies that emerged from Britain and Europe – including the USA. Out of the Merchants of Tarshish came the colonial Empires. The most successful of these was Great Britain. The symbol of Great Britain is a lion. That symbol exists to this day and no other empire had more young lions than Great Britain. I also found many references to Tarshish being a maritime nation so this is a particular hint that it could be the British Isles.

I was amazed because I had just previously asked for a word about the UK and out of the entire bible and all of the chapters and verses God pointed me to this chapter. I felt very encouraged. I know God is about to move here. I wanted to share this with you to encourage you.

Finally, it brings me to this verse, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”. 2 Chronicles 7:14.

There is great hope for us all!

God bless you 🙂


The Upcoming Election (UK)

I have been praying quite a lot recently about our government for wisdom and discernment. Thus, it was quite interesting when two days ago Prime Minister Theresa May announced her surprise decision to hold a general election on 8th June (522 to 13 votes). This was completely unexpected but a verse that has been playing in my mind is 1 Corinthians 1:27 “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong”. He does this to show his glory and this verse is as relevant today as it was back when Jesus lived. I believe God has a lot of surprises for us coming in this new time.

Regarding the soon to be election I want to share a few things with which to pray over. Firstly, at the start of this year I really felt that we would have a strong man leading our country and this I posted previously on my blog. This was confirmed by another word I read on another site. Now this could be about the future or it could be relevant to this election. Actually I believe it will be relevant to this election. You see God is aligning our politicians even if it doesn’t seem that way at times.

I was praying yesterday about a new future leader and I heard the name Boris Johnson. It could be for the near future or for the distant future but I believe somehow this man is significant and that he needs our prayers. Now I don’t know much about him but if this is the case then we need to pray and also align ourselves. A friend of mine told me there was another prophetic word about him so I will search for that.

Now I needed some confirmation so I prayed to God that if this was the case I would ask my son who the next Prime minister would be and he would give me the same answer. I prayed and kept feeling the same thing. I then asked my 5 year old son this morning and he said straight away ‘Boris Johnson”! I was not expecting this at all. He could have said anyone. He has heard his name on the TV before but there is no way it’s just nothing because this is too random as I didn’t mention his name at all to him beforehand.

Though, please don’t take this as 100% as I am not saying I have got it right because I know we as humans sometimes think we have heard God but it’s actually just us so it could be that in this case. I could be completely off on the wrong train so please correct me if I am!:) Also as I stated it might be just that he is a very significant person in the scheme of things so please pray for him anyway. Also ask God to show you who he would wish you to vote for. Give God your vote because that is the most important thing. So for example if the person you voted for doesn’t win you can say “God your will be done” because remember it’s all about Him. Don’t let pride get a hold of you and do your seeking in the secret place spending time in God’s presence.

Finally, whatever happens declare only good things over our nation and over the world-don’t listen to the news and the doom and gloom. Our words make a difference so whatever happens pray this pray “your will be done on earth (also insert country) as it is in Heaven”.


God bless you

Future Leader of the UK

I felt something in my spirit when I was praying last week for the government of the UK and for Theresa May. I believe she has been placed there for a reason and I pray for her each day and send angels to give her God’s word and truth.

However, I also felt it was important to pray and declare for the next prime minister of the UK who I believe God told me will be a man. I felt it very strongly and then a few days later I saw a prophetic word which said the same thing! I love it when God confirms stuff! I now know that I MUST pray and declare for him. The other prophesies said he would be a strong leader which is exactly what I felt before. This also drew me to the conclusion that if this is the case which I believe it is then there will also be strong opposition to this strong leader.

We should all be on our knees declaring only God’s truth and protection over our land because our words have so much power in them. I don’t know who this future prime minister will be (and we certainly should continue to pray and declare for Theresa May) but I believe if we start decreeing over his life starting now then great great things can happen.

I felt I should share this so I hope this encourages you all. God bless

Pregnant with expectation

Recently my dear mother pointed out something very interesting to me.

I am a very impatient person so during these months I have been wondering when article 50 will be triggered. However, my mum mentioned to me that it seemed very curious to say the least that it has now been nine months since we had the referendum. This is the same amount of time for a pregnancy to come to term. This to me does not seem like a coincidence seeing as God always does things using symbols, numbers and uses different things to represent things his timeline.

It would make sense to use the analogy of a pregnancy because we can see by looking back at 2016, the different trimesters and symptoms which have occurred as a result in the UK and globally too.

Firstly, in a pregnancy we know that the first 12 weeks is very vital. The cells implant in the womb and they grow rapidly. It also needs vital nutrients to help it grow and multiply. Many important things happen for example the heart starts beating, many other important organs are formed and the limbs grow.  However, the body also reacts often violently and can be starved of vital nutrients losing weight and having terrible morning sickness. It is often hard to see the development at this stage because it’s so small but if we looked closely we can see many things are happening.

We can look back at the first 12 weeks so from June 23-Sep 23 and see how many changes took place. We first saw a major upheaval in the government and a new prime minister was elected. We also saw the hideous back lash (morning sickness), an almost violent struggle to abort the plan and an allergic reaction based on fear and change (I myself having been pregnant can vouch for this!). We also knew though God was doing many things behind the scenes, removing people, putting a plan on the heart of the prime minister although we couldn’t see it or we didn’t hear it in the news.

Then in the second trimester, the morning sickness mostly goes away and the idea of pregnancy becomes more engrained in your mind, the shock decreases and a spirit of excitement settles in. The baby develops a skeleton, the baby’s gender is apparent, their ears develop and their own special, unique fingerprint forms.

This period of time was from Sep 23-Dec 23. This was a time of change on a worldwide level in many ways. There was a real excitement, a coming together and a joining of people who perhaps never felt joined before. This was not without fear though from others. The rise of the feminazi came into full view and many reports of racism (would be pregnancy scares) occurred and reports of immigration in order to paint everyone who voted for Brexit as evil, racist, bigots (perhaps reflecting the thought ‘why did we do this?’). Still, in terms of the fingerprints I think this time was significant because it gave us a time to reflect on who we are, what makes us unique and what our special mandate is in the world as the UK (I believe each country has a beautiful and unique purpose in the world.).

Finally, now we are in the third trimester Dec 23-March 23. This period of time is where the baby if born can survive well outside the womb. A premature baby needs care and although many have no problems some issues may arise because the baby is not 100% equipped to face the outside world. At this time the lungs form and although the baby looks ready it needs to gain weight in order to be fully equipped. This is why the final trimester although it may look fairly quiet compared to before is actually getting the baby and the mother ready for the birth.

We have seen some minor complications and many now have accepted that this birth will happen. The plan is being thought out behind the scenes and many faithful saints are praying. However, there is one thing we must do. We must spend this time preparing for the labour. We must anticipate ahead.  It will be hard work, it will be painful and yes it will be messy even if it’s a quick labour and everything goes according to the birth plan. The midwives must be on hand, there must be support nearby medical equipment may be necessary. Nevertheless, the baby must be born.

Finally, once the baby is here although the pregnancy is over we will have entered a new stage of life. We must have everything the baby needs, to clothe it, to feed it, to care for it. We also need to give time for the mother to recover from what has been a traumatic experience for her body (regardless of how easy the labour was). She also needs time to adjust emotionally and her body will still be changing. There will also be sleepless nights and feeding problems along with others.

Yet, what will be evident is a newfound love between the child and the mother which will continue to grow. The child will learn to smile, to laugh and to bring so much joy to its mother. Life will be so much more alive and the mother will have to become more patient, more sacrificial and will have to see life from a new perspective. However, one thing is for sure that baby will always be a blessing.

*Many things here can also be applied to the USA and to other countries around the world. I love seeing the different symbols like the eagle and the lion and unicorn emerging among others. I can’t wait to see the different destinies that God has for many countries revealed.  God bless this world!!