Tag Archives: Brexit

Come Thou Fount

I was encouraged as I watched this version of ‘Come Thou Fount’ sang by Awaken Generation in the Philippines. It warmed my heart and touched my spirit as I watched these beautiful people praising our Father with such a beautiful and stirring song written by one of the great mystics of old mixed with modern instruments. Then I thought of all the many missionaries that were sent out from especially the UK and the USA to the ends of the Earth during the previous centuries. Then I heard in my spirit ‘they are coming’. I felt that now they are coming to us or they will be. Just like our ancestors as missionaries reminded their ancestors and brought them back to the love of Jesus they will also remind us and bring back many people here, who have wandered far away, to Jesus.

We are now on the threshold of something great. Something has changed in our land. It has happened before but this time it will be different. And going back to the missionaries, although there will be many missionaries  it will be done using the internet which will be used greatly in this age to come and in the Harvest. It will be used as a portal to bring light and life into people’s homes (although it will also be used  by the enemy as a tool- as many will no doubt have seen but now it’s God’s time). Here I have copied the link below to the song. I pray that it blessed you too. I am excited to be alive at a time like this!




Pregnant with expectation

Recently my dear mother pointed out something very interesting to me.

I am a very impatient person so during these months I have been wondering when article 50 will be triggered. However, my mum mentioned to me that it seemed very curious to say the least that it has now been nine months since we had the referendum. This is the same amount of time for a pregnancy to come to term. This to me does not seem like a coincidence seeing as God always does things using symbols, numbers and uses different things to represent things his timeline.

It would make sense to use the analogy of a pregnancy because we can see by looking back at 2016, the different trimesters and symptoms which have occurred as a result in the UK and globally too.

Firstly, in a pregnancy we know that the first 12 weeks is very vital. The cells implant in the womb and they grow rapidly. It also needs vital nutrients to help it grow and multiply. Many important things happen for example the heart starts beating, many other important organs are formed and the limbs grow.  However, the body also reacts often violently and can be starved of vital nutrients losing weight and having terrible morning sickness. It is often hard to see the development at this stage because it’s so small but if we looked closely we can see many things are happening.

We can look back at the first 12 weeks so from June 23-Sep 23 and see how many changes took place. We first saw a major upheaval in the government and a new prime minister was elected. We also saw the hideous back lash (morning sickness), an almost violent struggle to abort the plan and an allergic reaction based on fear and change (I myself having been pregnant can vouch for this!). We also knew though God was doing many things behind the scenes, removing people, putting a plan on the heart of the prime minister although we couldn’t see it or we didn’t hear it in the news.

Then in the second trimester, the morning sickness mostly goes away and the idea of pregnancy becomes more engrained in your mind, the shock decreases and a spirit of excitement settles in. The baby develops a skeleton, the baby’s gender is apparent, their ears develop and their own special, unique fingerprint forms.

This period of time was from Sep 23-Dec 23. This was a time of change on a worldwide level in many ways. There was a real excitement, a coming together and a joining of people who perhaps never felt joined before. This was not without fear though from others. The rise of the feminazi came into full view and many reports of racism (would be pregnancy scares) occurred and reports of immigration in order to paint everyone who voted for Brexit as evil, racist, bigots (perhaps reflecting the thought ‘why did we do this?’). Still, in terms of the fingerprints I think this time was significant because it gave us a time to reflect on who we are, what makes us unique and what our special mandate is in the world as the UK (I believe each country has a beautiful and unique purpose in the world.).

Finally, now we are in the third trimester Dec 23-March 23. This period of time is where the baby if born can survive well outside the womb. A premature baby needs care and although many have no problems some issues may arise because the baby is not 100% equipped to face the outside world. At this time the lungs form and although the baby looks ready it needs to gain weight in order to be fully equipped. This is why the final trimester although it may look fairly quiet compared to before is actually getting the baby and the mother ready for the birth.

We have seen some minor complications and many now have accepted that this birth will happen. The plan is being thought out behind the scenes and many faithful saints are praying. However, there is one thing we must do. We must spend this time preparing for the labour. We must anticipate ahead.  It will be hard work, it will be painful and yes it will be messy even if it’s a quick labour and everything goes according to the birth plan. The midwives must be on hand, there must be support nearby medical equipment may be necessary. Nevertheless, the baby must be born.

Finally, once the baby is here although the pregnancy is over we will have entered a new stage of life. We must have everything the baby needs, to clothe it, to feed it, to care for it. We also need to give time for the mother to recover from what has been a traumatic experience for her body (regardless of how easy the labour was). She also needs time to adjust emotionally and her body will still be changing. There will also be sleepless nights and feeding problems along with others.

Yet, what will be evident is a newfound love between the child and the mother which will continue to grow. The child will learn to smile, to laugh and to bring so much joy to its mother. Life will be so much more alive and the mother will have to become more patient, more sacrificial and will have to see life from a new perspective. However, one thing is for sure that baby will always be a blessing.

*Many things here can also be applied to the USA and to other countries around the world. I love seeing the different symbols like the eagle and the lion and unicorn emerging among others. I can’t wait to see the different destinies that God has for many countries revealed.  God bless this world!!

Brexit and the Slave Trade

As I was scrolling down my junk mail an email caught my eye. There was something about it that made me stop and read it a little more. It was talking about all the negative things that may possibly happen because of Brexit in the hopes, I suppose, of stirring up paranoia and widespread anxiety in people. Due to the politically correct society we live in people are almost scared to say anything positive about their country in fear of being labelled racist or nationalistic. However, God tells us to speak positive things about ourselves and our communities and he has called us to be a light to this world. We must also speak positive things about our country if we want to see them happen. Words have power whether they are spoken by our mouths or on paper.

However, when I saw this email I was reminded again of William Wilberforce who fought to end the slave trade and I couldn’t help myself but think what the lies the newspapers may have said about him and the abolition movement. Here is my possible interpretation below.

Could You Get ‘Special Exemption’?

With the abolition of the slave trade on the horizon, Sir Frank Green Lord Mayor of London has suggested that certain businessmen and trade owners could be given special status with respect to the slave trade in the event of a complete abolition.



Are 1 In 5 merchants Set To Leave The UK For the Americas?

A survey conducted by Kentish Gazette suggests the potential impact that criminalising the Slave Trade could have on Britain’s business culture, with 21% of merchants considering moving their headquarters to the Americas in order to maintain their civil liberties.

Phased Slavery Controls Are A Possibility In UK

A new government whitepaper detailing the UK’s steps towards an abolition suggests that citizens holding certain positions and connections to parliament living in the UK may not be asked to ‘surrender’ their slaves and that, instead, slave ownership will instead be ‘phased out’.

Abolition- another word for treason?

Due to the current situation between UK and France many MPs have declared the work of the abolitionists ‘an absolute joke’ at the least and ‘a jab in the back of the king’. The abolitionists have been accused of encouraging disloyalty to the crown and stirring up civil unrest. The current issue that lies with France suggests that any talk of abolition may be enough to provoke an accusation of treason.

Britain’s worst days are yet to come

According to an article published just yesterday in The Register the UK will seek to lose an immeasurable amount of wealth if the abolitionists have their way. The UK has benefited greatly and the slave trade has provided a surplus of jobs for many ordinary labourers. Most MPs have eradicated any mention of support for abolition and continue to oppose any changes to the current constitution. William Wilberforce is standing alone in his defiance. According to sources only 19% of British citizens are in favour of the abolition of the slave trade.

Perhaps you’ve seen some similar headlines in these past few months. I know I have although not regarding the slave trade of course. I can only imagine the amount of people who were constantly out to trip up William Wilberforce and the amount of traps and ambushes that were waiting for him at every turn. However, there was hope because Heaven was on his side and no matter the amount of newspapers stirring up hatred, opposing MPs and general negativity God had His way. Thanks to William Wilberforce’s stamina and faith in God many millions of slaves were released from a life of misery and sorrow and could taste the true beauty of freedom.

My prayer is that despite the negativity and the opposition we would fix our eyes on Heaven and do whatever it is that God has called us to. And it may be that one day you will be the one William Wilberforce would like to meet!


Placed for a Purpose

I was fascinated today because whilst I was observing the news I looked at the name of our current prime minister and I felt I should go and check the meaning of it. Google came up with this, ‘Teresa is generally believed to be derived from the Greek ‘therizein’ (to reap, to gather in) and thus takes the definition of “harvester.”

This is absolutely relevant to us today. There have been many prophesies as of late describing how we are as a nation on the brink of a national harvest. Yet this is not confined only to the UK but will rather be a global in-gathering. So it seems completely uncoincidental that we now have a leader whose name means ‘HARVESTER’. However another definition also came up for ‘Theresa’ whilst I was searching and this one was ‘SUMMER’. I also believe this is no coincidence either.

We have seen our society gradually decaying, the NHS in pieces, education behind other countries, a shocking housing crisis, widespread poverty and I could go on. However, this will come as a reminder, as a message of hope that we will come out of this winter and will enter into summer. We will of course have a spring first, perhaps it will be a cold one as many of them are but nevertheless we will see leaves and flowers start to bud. We will feel perhaps a different warmer kind of breeze and when the sun shines down it will fill you with warmth even if it is but only a moment.

In the end you know without a doubt that you are coming out of winter, there is no going back. Seasons always go in full circle. We can see this by looking at history, for example the First and Second Great Awakenings. We have had our winter and we have paid the price of hibernating but now it’s time, it’s time to come out of the woodwork. It’s time to just take those small steps outside of your cosy little home and then you will realise that despite the cool air, wind and the rain there are a few flowers budding, the sun is appearing, the days are getting longer and the cold is becoming lesser. So let this be an encouragement to you that as we move into this Kingdom Age we know without a doubt that summer WILL come and we Will have a harvest very soon.

I believe our prime minister has been placed there for a purpose to bring about many things that are meant to be. I believe that we will see great improvements. I also believe that you and I were also placed on the earth for a time as this. There are no coincidences in God’s plans.


God bless you all