Tag Archives: Jesus

Does the devil own a day?

The devil doesn’t own October 31st. In fact I am not going to call this day anything other than a day of light. I see so much darkness around me but only I am responsible for myself and for how I carry and bring the light (that is Jesus) into my neighbourhood, town or city. I can choose to either :

A) participate with the darkness (if you can’t beat them join them). go to a Halloween party, do trick or treating (because after all just a harmless bit of fun) etc…

B) comment on the darkness, have a moan, stomp your feet, lock your doors and windows, tell the little kids to ‘beat it!’ or you’ll call the police.

or C) choose to bring light to your neighbourhood. (I prefer this one 😉 )

Today isn’t meant to be a super serious post but rather I thought I would share some of the simple ways in which I thought I could bring a little bit of God’s light to my town. These don’t have to just happen tomorrow they can be ongoing things especially as we are getting into winter people can really empathise with light themes.

  1. In my town people are going crazy painting little rocks and leaving them in public places. It’s a fun activity for kids and then the kids and adults go hunting and post a picture onto facebook. Many people have obviously been painting pumpkins and witches but I decided to paint some with messages like ‘warrior child’ and ‘I am loved’ with pictures of crowns and hearts (you could do anything). I am going to do some more with subtle biblical messages and little candles on that say ‘look towards the light’ and “this little light of mine”. Honestly a great idea and anyone can find them. Pray before you place them in your town and remember to varnish them so the paint doesn’t come off!

2) Have a light party. I am having a few friends and their kids over. We are having a sort of combined bonfire/light themed party. I am hiding fake candles in the garden (you can buy off amazon) and the kids will find them, we are going to play some games and then eat food including a giant chocolate bonfire my son and I made today! I am going to decorate the house with light related bible verses and have subtle music playing in the background.

3) Play worship music all day even if you’re out. Remember this can change the atmosphere and won’t allow evil into your house but also into your neighbourhood. The demons hate worship so won’t want to be anywhere near it.

4) do a prayer walk, offer to pray for people or do a treasure hunt (where you ask for a specific message, place and a person to talk to). Even host a prayer meeting or worship meeting (witchcraft is quite big at this time so prayer and praise will do wonders for the atmosphere).

5) don’t moan about the darkness but anytime someone starts talking about something negative or negatively change the topic and talk about something positive. Tell them you think they are great, find something positive about your town or city.

6) I left sweets outside of my house with bible verses and positive messages on them (I guess people might not want to do this as could encourage trick or treaters)  but I felt I should do it last year and all of the sweets were gone and none of the bible verses were on the ground so the kids had certainly taken them home.  Some of the messages were: ‘you are loved’, ‘God loves you’, ‘Jesus is our light’, ‘Look to Jesus’, ‘You are precious’, ‘never give up’.

I hope this encourages you and if you have any extra creative ideas then please comment so other people can take your ideas away. I cant think of anymore for now but I hope this encourages you that whatever your age you can do something to change your community for the better.

Out with the darkness and in with the light 🙂 Jesus is that light!







Come Thou Fount

I was encouraged as I watched this version of ‘Come Thou Fount’ sang by Awaken Generation in the Philippines. It warmed my heart and touched my spirit as I watched these beautiful people praising our Father with such a beautiful and stirring song written by one of the great mystics of old mixed with modern instruments. Then I thought of all the many missionaries that were sent out from especially the UK and the USA to the ends of the Earth during the previous centuries. Then I heard in my spirit ‘they are coming’. I felt that now they are coming to us or they will be. Just like our ancestors as missionaries reminded their ancestors and brought them back to the love of Jesus they will also remind us and bring back many people here, who have wandered far away, to Jesus.

We are now on the threshold of something great. Something has changed in our land. It has happened before but this time it will be different. And going back to the missionaries, although there will be many missionaries  it will be done using the internet which will be used greatly in this age to come and in the Harvest. It will be used as a portal to bring light and life into people’s homes (although it will also be used  by the enemy as a tool- as many will no doubt have seen but now it’s God’s time). Here I have copied the link below to the song. I pray that it blessed you too. I am excited to be alive at a time like this!




More Shaking

I found this word from Veronica West given on 11 April 17. I believe it is very significant now.

In this hour I hear these words coming out of the heavens, “Prisons SHAKE, Governments SHAKE, Financial systems SHAKE, Schools SHAKE, Military forces SHAKE, Courts and legislatures SHAKE, Everything on earth SHAKE until there is no foundation left but I the Lord.”

It is NOT the devil who is shaking everything. The whole world is being SHAKEN AND SHIFTED by the voice of the VICTORIOUS CHRIST. HIS GLORY IS RISING in power upon the Earth, He is speaking a word to SHAKE AND SHIFT all things.


(Also I just loved this picture of the tiger shaking the water!)

Picture from: http://www.romstom.com

Word from Veronica West 11/04/2017


I learnt a new word today from listening to Lance Wallnau.  The word is ‘convergence’. It means something has got to come together in your destiny (an intersecting). It is the technical definition where you are engaged in the role which empowers you to do what you were created to do before you were born.

A word which has been used a lot in the church and in Christian circles was destiny. However, convergence has a more resonating and deeper meaning than even destiny itself.

If you become a Christian you must become a disciple, then you become a disciple, after that you seek your destiny, and finally you must step into convergence. This is essential if you want to fulfil that which was ordained for you before the beginning of time. Convergence however is not only about our own individual destiny but rather it is about affecting our communities, towns, cities and nations. Destiny is great and it can change your life knowing what your own personal destiny is but convergence allows God to work in us in such a way that we cannot help but affect everyone around us.

My prayer is that you will all step into convergence.

Language misuse

As a millennial I often here many member of my generation using these two words very often as a means to shut down an argument ‘islamophobia’ and ‘homophobia’ (I won’t go into any of the others because they keep adding to them and we’d be here all day!). I want to have a look at their meanings.

Let’s look first at the dictionary definition of phobia- The word phobia comes from the Greek: φόβος (phĂłbos), meaning “aversion”, “fear”, or “morbid fear”. In popular culture, it is common for specific phobias to be given a name based on a Greek word for the object of the fear, plus the suffix -phobia. (taken from google.). If we delve a little deeper we can see that Phobos a Greek god.He was the Greek personification of fear, flight and panic.

So let’s look at these words ‘homo’ which comes from the Greek meaning ‘same’ which has developed to mean ‘same sex attraction’ and ‘Islam’ describes the religion and ideology of Islam. It is important to note that nowhere here are these two words referencing ‘Muslims’ or ‘gay people themselves’ but rather ‘a feeling of attraction between certain people’ and a ‘specific ideology’.

So after breaking this down in this way we can see that ‘homophobia’ is ‘a morbid fear and panic of two people having same sex attraction’ and ‘Islamophobia’ is a morbid fear and panic of ‘Islam’. These two terms are very widespread these days and are often used by people who have little or no knowledge of the meanings, of historical concept, or just don’t like to be challenged. As a linguist it is always my duty to question and break down different ideas that we have about language to show the truth. In my mind there is no word to describe someone who ‘doesn’t want same sex attraction to be promoted due to biblical principles’. Everyone whom I know who has this view has never had a morbid fear, panic or hatred of gay people. In fact these people have open arms towards everyone regardless. Likewise everyone I know who disagrees with Islam would never have a fear or a hatred of Muslims (I am not denying it, that there are people who hate Muslims and gay people although I have never met a single one of them myself. My job is only to question how our language is used.).

Therefore, maybe from a linguistic point of view we need a new word because perhaps to a certain extent English has lost a lot of descriptive language or a lot has fallen out of use. However, I think it’s really important that we don’t go around liberally throwing around words that we don’t really know the meanings of. It’s important to tackle hatred aimed at a particular individual but hatred is never going to be tackled by calling people names or hurling insults anyway. The hatred I see is the hatred coming from those people who seek to use these words liberally  as an insult to anyone that questions their way of thinking and who seek to close down anything that challenges their viewpoint.

It just makes Jesus words so relevant when he said ‘Take the plank out of your own eye before you take the needle out of someone else’s’ (Matthew 7:5). While many are concerned with doing just that there is a distinctive, rising, spiritual movement, popular among young people today that seeks to do the exact opposite.

Nevertheless the good news is that although they may continue to do this their power is weakening. They have had their time and now it’s time for the power of God to shake the planet like never before, to break down misconceptions, to shake off hatred, to rock the world until political correctness is but a thing of the past. His glory will come but we need to make sure we are right with God first so let’s first take the plant out of our eyes’ and then we may see from a different perspective.

Where will God move next?


I saw an article which was discussing the different areas in the UK where people are more likely to call themselves Christians. I found it very interesting for a number of reasons.

Firstly, the areas where people are more likely to call themselves Christians (and the survey is not reflective of everyone) are areas that have a lower socio economic background. Thus these people may find themselves more empathetic towards religion because of the role churches may play in helping people in poorer areas (i.e cap and other charities). Also it is common knowledge that when you go through troubles (i.e financial difficulties) you tend sometimes to look for answers from a higher power.

Secondly, a lot of people from poorer backgrounds tend not to go to university despite student loans being a popular way to enter. Universities are certainly more liberal in many ways and steer people towards humanism and atheism.   So people who don’t go to university perhaps are more traditional in certain viewpoints for example how they see the family and its importance in society, they’re more likely to be more community minded rather than individualistic due to low wages and expensive rents (these are generalisations so please don’t think I am putting everyone in this category.). University on the other hand tends to encourage independence and sometimes to a degree that rejects the family and its values (although this isn’t the case for everyone nor for every university).

Thirdly, I want to take a quick look at the past and remind myself of the people whom were very much on the forefront of John Wesley’s mind. These were the poor, the labourers, the downtrodden, the oppressed, those that had nothing. These people were open and God reached them via John Wesley and his obedience. I believe we were saved from a would be revolution (similar to that of France at that time) because of people like John Wesley whom God used in a great way.

Next, this moves on to the final point. People like this are open to change. This can be a really good thing if a few people are willing to rise up and take a stand just like John Wesley. You see people like this don’t have much to lose from change. On the other hand, those who are wealthy, who have the privilege of living in wealthy, peaceful areas with a myriad of opportunities at their feet have benefited (and perhaps at the expense of many others). These people really have everything to lose from change.

In conclusion, God will change this nation and He will be received with open arms by many. Although he will also be rejected by many. I know that there are also many Christians who have been university educated and are against change I also know many who do want change and are open. I know there will a lot of resistance but it won’t necessary come from the people you think it will. I think it’s more likely to come from ‘well-educated’ (whatever that means), ‘wealthier’ and perhaps even some ‘established churches’. However one thing I do know is that God is about to move.

Let’s be watching very closely because you may be surprised what you see happen in the next year or so. God is on the move and He is going to use some of the most unobvious people to do His work! I know I’m excited… are you?!

No More Grey

I recently saw an article titled “Breaking News the church of satan has finally been opened in America” dated beginning of 2016. The article says that they hope “that it will motivate other satanists to come out from the shadows…”. I thought it was curious to say the least so I read a little further into it. They have, and with much careful consideration I will add, painted a very rosy picture and to anyone lacking discernment they may very well be persuaded to join.

In the article it states that, “We worship the Complete Self and we exalt in forbidden knowledge and the paths to power,”. This is a stark contrast to what the Jesus said we should do “deny yourselves and follow me” (Matthew 16:24 NIV). I found that it was thought provoking to have been opened in 2016 right at the time when we are experiencing a spiritual shift in the atmosphere it makes sense that the devil would cough up something counterfeit. It also made me wonder today as I was looking around and seeing how much subtle darkness there is around us.

It was world book day today and a very large percentage of children decided to dress up as Harry Potter characters. You might say this is harmless fun just like Halloween but I beg to differ. I do think that witchcraft and in general anything supernatural is becoming more mainstream after being hidden away for years and perhaps this is no coincidence. (I am not talking just about religion here). As a mother my initial reaction would be to hide my son away, to try and protect him from the darkness and to shut my doors and close my windows. I don’t believe that this will do anything but allow the darkness to breed. You see darkness can only spread if it’s allowed to and if it has no light to stop it then it will continue knocking down everything in its path and cloaking it with a suffocating blanket of false comfort and belonging. If we are hidden inside our houses eventually the darkness will find a way in and even if it doesn’t you have not spread the light any further than your door frame and that is a very small flame indeed.

Nevertheless, while it is indeed important to protect our children the bible actually tells us that God is our ultimate protector and the bible instructs us “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Psalm 22:6 NIV). This actually doesn’t mean shutting them away but rather pointing out the dangers, explaining the truth to them and showing them their purpose in all of this. Yes we need to be careful and there are sometimes people who you know are not best to have around your children. However, my son does know about angels, he knows that God is bigger than the power of any witch but he also knows God loves them and wants a relationship with them. I’ve heard him telling his friends casually about heaven and sometimes he prays with all his heart about things that completely amaze me. He is only 5 and I hope and pray his faith continues to grow.

This brings me back to the article I saw. I believe it’s significant because in the future if we do not declare and pray we will see a great many people and among them children joining this ‘church of satan’. Just like Harry Potter has become very hip and cool among kids it may even become popular to make real spells in the future. Evil will not be made to look bad. The devil is not that stupid.

However, I have seen it prophesied that another generation will rise up from the dusty dry ground and speak life like never before, they will  do miracles unheard of and they will walk in great power and authority bringing light and truth wherever you go. They will literally blind the darkness.

Our children are part of this next generation. In their generation unlike ours there will be no middle ground, no grey areas. There will either be black or white. Make sure your son or daughter knows the truth. They are never too young for the truth. It’s time for us to wake up as a generation of purpose driven parents to guide the next generation so they in turn can guide those that follow.

Now it’s not the end of the world it’s only the start of something bigger, there will be spiritual forces battling one another and we may even see them with our natural eyes but God is ultimately going to have the last word. A new era has been birthed on God’s timeline so arise ye who were created for this time of “The Kingdom Age”.


Source: Issac Jipsy (2016) found at www.linkedin.com/pulse/breaking-news-church-satan-has-finally-been-opened-america-jipsy

Photo: fashion central.com

What is a Heavenian?

                                                       What is a Heavenian?

The term is so new in fact it’s not even in a dictionary yet! It’s very simple: A Heavenian is someone who lives out heaven culture.

                                                         What is Heaven culture?

Heaven culture is living out the culture of Heaven here on earth. Let’s take a look at the age old prayer named ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ which was first prayed by Jesus when he walked on the earth. He prayed “Our Father who art in Heaven hallowed be thy name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”.

So Heaven is a place where God’s will and only God’s will is done, it’s a holy place. Perhaps in your head you see clouds with little angels with harps, of God sitting on a throne with a long white beard while people just spend all of eternity bowed down before him. While I am certain that we will spend time bowing down before Him our worship won’t just consist of bowing and singing praises. Here are some different aspects of heaven culture:

  • In Heaven people don’t pray. They declare. They declare over those who live with them and over those coming after them. You in the same way have the power to declare over your children, over your future generations, over those not born.
  • In Heaven people use their gifts all the time. The church spends too long and hard trying to work out what people’s spiritual gifts might be. They try and overcomplicate things and miss the mark. The world has no problem using their gifts. Why do you think people flock around great singers, great sports players and great actors? It’s because they have something, something planted in them before the beginning of time and they’re using it. Heaven is waiting for us to use our gifts*.
  • In Heaven people walk in divine health. One of the main reasons for this is that their soul is in health “… I pray that in all respectsyou may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers” 3 John 1:2 (KJV). This means that they have loosened any unholy and unhelpful soul ties. It also means that they are careful about what they put into their soul and only fill it with positive and heavenly things, “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks”  Luke 6:45 (KJV).
  • In Heaven everyone loves one another. It’s impossible not too. They are so thankful and blessed to be there and there is not an ounce of hatred or resentment. However, this doesn’t mean that people are all the same but rather they love each other and celebrate their differences and are all bound together in their love for God.

God bless you all!


*You might say, “I don’t know my gift”. What is that thing that you love? What is that that thing that you would do all day if you could. That’s your gift.” You might have more than one and God will hold us accountable if we don’t use our gifts. We need to use them because he has given them to us and they are irrevocable, regardless of salvation. However, what happens if someone who is saved and has the Holy Spirit living in them starts to use their gifts? Let’s take a look at the past. Florence Nightingale had a gift. She used it to change the world. Jesus himself had the gift of carpentry. King David loved to sing and William Wilberforce stopped the slave trade. Let’s all use our gifts freely and compassionately doing what we were made to do but for Him.

Kingdom Age Church

The church of the Kingdom Age won’t look much like church today. Here are some ways that it will be different.

  • It will be messy. I often think of my son and how dirty and messy he gets when playing outside or with paints yet at the same time I remember his look of pure joy when he’s realised he can get as messy as he wants and he enjoys himself even more. Church will be a little bit like that. It’s going to be a place where people are going to be able to ‘be’ who God created them to be.
  • It will be filled with messy people or people who are labelled as ‘bad people’. For this reason there will be a big split in the church because many people with a religious mind-set won’t be able to accept this. This comes from the same spirit that the Pharisees were under. It is a spirit that says ‘I am better than you. Salvation is for me but not for them. They’re not the right kind of person’. I am afraid we cannot pick and choose. Yes we do need to repent but true repentance is never not messy.
  • Church may not be in a church. John Wesley was a great preacher from the 18th He preached in the fields, on the highlands and was persecuted greatly for his faith. He reached thousands of messy people. He wasn’t accepted by the church.
  • It will be creative and fun. I don’t know about you but I don’t always think of the word ‘fun’ when I think of ‘church’. Heaven is really fun so guess what something is going to change.
  • Jesus will be there in the midst of this new church. For many churches who decide to continue with blind religion Jesus may never appear there but for those who are following the Father’s heart He will be very much in the midst. God’s presence will be tangible and He will touch all who enter in.

“Jesus at the center of it all
Jesus at the center of it all
From beginning to the end
It will always be, it’s always been You
Jesus, Jesus”

Darlene Zschech “Jesus be the center”

Heaven Culture

Did you know in heaven they have roller coasters?

Yes you heard me. Its time to get out of our box, our comfortable little box full of all the comfortable and cosy little things we are used to. I am not talking about a literal box but rather the box that  is the limited space that we think in. I rather like the quote from a prophetess who says “it’s time to take your natural mind out and replace it with your spiritual mind”. This is important because before we are to understand the supernatural and the spiritual things of this realm and the next we need to say “goodbye” or “adios” to our fixed ideas and open our eyes to the fact that the most real and exciting things cannot be placed inside a box.

In heaven there is a roller coaster called The Rush. It is higher than any roller coaster we can imagine on earth. In fact it goes miles up and the capsules leap off the roller coaster before landing back on it and whizzing down and then up to the next loop. I know I want to live my life like that here. I don’t want to wait until I die.

In heaven people see music. Well I know that there is a condition called Lexical-gustatory synesthesia which is where certain colours, emotions and more commonly sounds cause these people to experience taste and smell. In heaven be prepared to have your senses crossed over, mixed up and being entirely topsy turvy as we know it. In this busy world sometimes I close my eyes and try and imagine what this would be like.

In heaven everything is full of light including the food. I can’t imagine weight gain is an issue here or greed for that matter. God is our light, in fact it was one of the first things he created.  One day soon people are going to use light to paint and do many other things here on the earth. I just can’t wait.

But why wait. Let’s all start by taking out our natural minds and taking a leap into the unknown. I bet you never knew that heaven was a lot more fun than a few angels sitting on a cloud and perhaps very soon people will dare to live the unknown here on earth bringing to life the very words Jesus spoke, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”.

Join me in this prayer and let’s live in expectation.