What Will Revival Look Like?

I just thought I would write down some of my thoughts here. Because we have just stepped into a new time threshold and now it’s God’s time to move I was thinking about what this next move of God will look like:

Something that kept coming into my mind was that God is going to use those that society says will never be used and are useless. When I heard this I was instantly excited in my spirit because I know so many people who have been told by society that they are not worth a penny. I know God holds their worth and they are more precious than diamonds. I was trying to picture it in my mind. I saw people from all tribes and tongues. I saw worship in church in many different languages. I was reminded of a time at New Wine when some Masai warriors worshipped on the stage. Oh my goodness one of the best moments in my life. Another moment was when I was at International Gateway camp in Hong Kong and each nation did a song and dance on stage on a different night. There was wonderful worship, complete strangers holding hands and singing. Most of all was the forgiveness. At one point a Japanese girl got onto the stage followed by her group with tears streaming down their cheeks and begged for forgiveness from the Chinese. A couple of Chinese jumped up and ran to the stage followed by about 50 (all of them there) and they gave the Japanese group hugs which lasted a very long time. It was an emotional but joyful time. I will always remember that. That I think is how church will be. Nobody will be in need and people will never feel alone. People who have been abused, even those who have attacked others (but repented), many former Muslims (especially those who hated Christians most-I am reminded of Paul here), and those who currently belong to some certain politically correct movements who hate, hate, hate and who at this current time you would look at them and think “how on earth will God use someone like that to bring his kingdom on Earth?” will all not only be a part of this next movement but they will be leaders and many yes will be persecuted but God’s power will be shown through them because, “Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little”. (Luke 7:47 KJV). I am so excited. So don’t listen to the gloom and doom because it’s time for God to have some room!!:)


God bless you all and may the Host of Heaven and the Holy Spirit be with you 🙂

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