Tag Archives: Life

A Light has Dawned

“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned”. Isaiah 9:2

This isn’t a vision that I had but rather a feeling inside whilst I was praying one day.

I was observing all of the negativity on the news, all over facebook and being spoken about. I don’t have a TV but it’s very hard to avoid the news altogether. I found the more I listened to it the angrier and sadder I felt. I saw the media cover ups, the denial to equate anything isis with Islam due to political correctness, the atrocities that continue in majority Muslim countries to those of different faiths and nothing being done. Suddenly it struck me and I felt God speak to me of his unconditional love for Muslims and how he desperately wants them to know Him. I felt God speak to me of a great destiny which is why the devil has taken hold of them and blinded them. The devil knows that some people have great destinies and will do anything for God which is why he desperately wants to keep them in the dark. However, I was taken back to the bible to a man named Saul who was the most fervent Jew and he believed only was was right and anyone who disagreed was treated very harshly. He was responsible for the mass slaughter of many many Christians (and I expect the people below him were treated less than favourably too). However, this happened because the devil knew that Saul would be one of the most powerful weapons for good that happened in the early church and he was terrified. So we know the story Saul changed to Paul, was radically changed by an encounter with Jesus and won more souls for God than the rest of the church together. What I am saying is that despite the evil and the negativity surrounding us I believe that we are about to see many many Sauls emerging from the Muslim community radically changed by Jesus challenging Muslims, Atheists and yes even the church. I doubt we will hear about this on the news. In fact just recently I read about how a group of lions saved some Christians in the middle East and another story about isis leaders being touched by God and changing. It is happening but I believe that soon the news are going to have a very hard job hiding it and we are about to see such an explosion of Jesus in the once Muslim communities including those already living in the UK that it will be common knowledge to all.

I just wanted to encourage you not to give up, not to stop praying and not to feed on the negativity. Yes there are many many evil things that are happening and being exposed but we are about to see mega change and be reminded of God’s great great love for those who are still in the dark. His light will shine and very soon it will be so bright that all will see it.

A Holy Storm

While I was praying today (Oct 15th 2017) I received this word. I wrote it as I received it and did not change any words.


Like a rushing wind I will come, a gentle breeze within the trees, barely noticed by the many but only by those who are actively seeking it out and then a silence. Suddenly, a gust and then a silence and then a gust and people will say, “he is here. He has come”> But a silence will come. Then more gusts until a storm brews but it will only be the start. My people have no clue what they pray for when they pray, “your kingdom come”.  Do they really think that when the God of all creation who made the heavens and the Earth meets this dirty and stained world tarnished with sin it’ll be clean? No my dear child. They will be flat on their faces hiding from my glory. Then I will come, I will come in a hurricane and wreck. I will cover whole regions and turn things inside out, people’s hearts, homes and communities and towns will be changed but it will NOT be clean for I am Ruach Elohim*.


*Ruach Elohim- the Spirit of God (literally breath, wind and translated as spirit of God)


Image via: Pixabay.com 

The Road

I had a picture which I wanted to share because I think it’s relevant for today.

As I was praying I saw a pavement. There were some people walking forward and I was pulling people from the road onto the pavement. But then I realised something that the people on the pavement kept wondering back onto the road. Some were walking in the gutter getting wet and dirty and still others were walking in the middle of the road wondering aimlessly and some getting hit by cars and trucks. I continued to pull people up but then I realised why they were wondering back into the road. They had blindfolds on. I stopped to untie someone’s blindfold but whilst I did many more people went back onto the road and it appeared as if I had lost time. It was hard to untie but I managed it. However, now I had some help and together we slowly started to pull people onto the pavement untying their blind folds. The progress was much slower but people didn’t go back into the road.

I felt that this was for the church. The church focuses on numbers but actually they don’t teach the people how to forge a true relationship, how to continue and go deeper in their faith and how to stay away from sin and the things that will pull them away so evidently people get pulled back into the world. There may appear to be more people in the church but they are just as blind as if they were walking on the road although they may not get hit by a car they run the risk of falling back into the road. If we take the time to show individuals the light, to cultivate relationship, to be patient then we will gradually produce a church where believers are not blinded but are able to not only walk forward but to also patiently show others how to walk forward too.

My prayer is that in these increasingly dark days the true church will realise this and although there may not look like many numbers or big figures deep relationships with Father are formed that are life changing and society transforming.

God bless you


I learnt a new word today from listening to Lance Wallnau.  The word is ‘convergence’. It means something has got to come together in your destiny (an intersecting). It is the technical definition where you are engaged in the role which empowers you to do what you were created to do before you were born.

A word which has been used a lot in the church and in Christian circles was destiny. However, convergence has a more resonating and deeper meaning than even destiny itself.

If you become a Christian you must become a disciple, then you become a disciple, after that you seek your destiny, and finally you must step into convergence. This is essential if you want to fulfil that which was ordained for you before the beginning of time. Convergence however is not only about our own individual destiny but rather it is about affecting our communities, towns, cities and nations. Destiny is great and it can change your life knowing what your own personal destiny is but convergence allows God to work in us in such a way that we cannot help but affect everyone around us.

My prayer is that you will all step into convergence.

2018 – The year of New Beginnings

I would like to take the time to discuss some Hebrew numbers and years and what they mean for us.

Next year is Hebrew year 5778 (Chet) Chet being the letter of life and wisdom. It also means ‘time in community’. It is considered the doorway of light from Heaven and it also represents new beginnings. I believe that we have a hint of how things could turn out next year and beyond by looking at the Hebrew calendar, looking at history and most importantly by asking God himself. Of course God never does the exact same thing twice but history does go in cycles and it does repeat itself in many ways. When we look at history we can take some useful hints and lessons. 500 years ago the Reformation took place. This was the Hebrew year 5278 (1717). Researching Hebrew Gematria is essential because Hebrew is God’s language. God speaks through numbers (as well as in other ways) as Jesus often spoke through riddles. However, he said ‘he who has ears to hear let him hear’ (Matthew 11:5).

In that year we see the start of something new. When Martin Luther pinned his theses to the door he was only a vessel for something bigger to come. Chet is the symbol of new beginnings and a doorway of light from Heaven. We can see how this light penetrated and led people back into a realisation that Christianity is all about having a personal relationship with God and that you cannot buy your way into Heaven. It seems rather obvious but back then it was considered very innovative and heretical for many to have these ideals. Where religion was completely controlled by the church the Reformation allowed people to have autonomy and work out their own beliefs. It says in the bible ‘work out your salvation with fear and trembling’ (Philippians 2:12).  This permitted people to come into relationship to God the Father through Christ Jesus.

By looking at this year I want to show you a glimpse of what may come in the year 5778. This means the Hebrew year starting in September 2017-September 2018. I believe we are about to see something new. I cannot say exactly what as God never does the exact same thing twice however I believe the veil between earth and heaven will become ever thinner and many will see and hear the supernatural. Their senses will become more sensitive to the spiritual realms (I am talking about both the darkness and the light). I believe there will be opposition but God will give great wisdom to those that follow Him. It will also be a year that many will come into life with Him, those who have been living in great darkness.

Whatever happens in the following year we need to put our armour on because with a greater level of glory comes a greater level of warfare. We need to revive our senses and feed our spiritual bodies. We must have wisdom also about what we are feeding into our souls as we will not be useful warriors if we are filled with darkness. Let’s get ready for a great year. Why not even celebrate the Jewish new year with a party celebrating what God is doing and welcoming Him into the Earth. (September 20th-September 22  2017).


Let’s be ready to step into that doorway of light.

Pregnant with expectation

Recently my dear mother pointed out something very interesting to me.

I am a very impatient person so during these months I have been wondering when article 50 will be triggered. However, my mum mentioned to me that it seemed very curious to say the least that it has now been nine months since we had the referendum. This is the same amount of time for a pregnancy to come to term. This to me does not seem like a coincidence seeing as God always does things using symbols, numbers and uses different things to represent things his timeline.

It would make sense to use the analogy of a pregnancy because we can see by looking back at 2016, the different trimesters and symptoms which have occurred as a result in the UK and globally too.

Firstly, in a pregnancy we know that the first 12 weeks is very vital. The cells implant in the womb and they grow rapidly. It also needs vital nutrients to help it grow and multiply. Many important things happen for example the heart starts beating, many other important organs are formed and the limbs grow.  However, the body also reacts often violently and can be starved of vital nutrients losing weight and having terrible morning sickness. It is often hard to see the development at this stage because it’s so small but if we looked closely we can see many things are happening.

We can look back at the first 12 weeks so from June 23-Sep 23 and see how many changes took place. We first saw a major upheaval in the government and a new prime minister was elected. We also saw the hideous back lash (morning sickness), an almost violent struggle to abort the plan and an allergic reaction based on fear and change (I myself having been pregnant can vouch for this!). We also knew though God was doing many things behind the scenes, removing people, putting a plan on the heart of the prime minister although we couldn’t see it or we didn’t hear it in the news.

Then in the second trimester, the morning sickness mostly goes away and the idea of pregnancy becomes more engrained in your mind, the shock decreases and a spirit of excitement settles in. The baby develops a skeleton, the baby’s gender is apparent, their ears develop and their own special, unique fingerprint forms.

This period of time was from Sep 23-Dec 23. This was a time of change on a worldwide level in many ways. There was a real excitement, a coming together and a joining of people who perhaps never felt joined before. This was not without fear though from others. The rise of the feminazi came into full view and many reports of racism (would be pregnancy scares) occurred and reports of immigration in order to paint everyone who voted for Brexit as evil, racist, bigots (perhaps reflecting the thought ‘why did we do this?’). Still, in terms of the fingerprints I think this time was significant because it gave us a time to reflect on who we are, what makes us unique and what our special mandate is in the world as the UK (I believe each country has a beautiful and unique purpose in the world.).

Finally, now we are in the third trimester Dec 23-March 23. This period of time is where the baby if born can survive well outside the womb. A premature baby needs care and although many have no problems some issues may arise because the baby is not 100% equipped to face the outside world. At this time the lungs form and although the baby looks ready it needs to gain weight in order to be fully equipped. This is why the final trimester although it may look fairly quiet compared to before is actually getting the baby and the mother ready for the birth.

We have seen some minor complications and many now have accepted that this birth will happen. The plan is being thought out behind the scenes and many faithful saints are praying. However, there is one thing we must do. We must spend this time preparing for the labour. We must anticipate ahead.  It will be hard work, it will be painful and yes it will be messy even if it’s a quick labour and everything goes according to the birth plan. The midwives must be on hand, there must be support nearby medical equipment may be necessary. Nevertheless, the baby must be born.

Finally, once the baby is here although the pregnancy is over we will have entered a new stage of life. We must have everything the baby needs, to clothe it, to feed it, to care for it. We also need to give time for the mother to recover from what has been a traumatic experience for her body (regardless of how easy the labour was). She also needs time to adjust emotionally and her body will still be changing. There will also be sleepless nights and feeding problems along with others.

Yet, what will be evident is a newfound love between the child and the mother which will continue to grow. The child will learn to smile, to laugh and to bring so much joy to its mother. Life will be so much more alive and the mother will have to become more patient, more sacrificial and will have to see life from a new perspective. However, one thing is for sure that baby will always be a blessing.

*Many things here can also be applied to the USA and to other countries around the world. I love seeing the different symbols like the eagle and the lion and unicorn emerging among others. I can’t wait to see the different destinies that God has for many countries revealed.  God bless this world!!

Brexit and the Slave Trade

As I was scrolling down my junk mail an email caught my eye. There was something about it that made me stop and read it a little more. It was talking about all the negative things that may possibly happen because of Brexit in the hopes, I suppose, of stirring up paranoia and widespread anxiety in people. Due to the politically correct society we live in people are almost scared to say anything positive about their country in fear of being labelled racist or nationalistic. However, God tells us to speak positive things about ourselves and our communities and he has called us to be a light to this world. We must also speak positive things about our country if we want to see them happen. Words have power whether they are spoken by our mouths or on paper.

However, when I saw this email I was reminded again of William Wilberforce who fought to end the slave trade and I couldn’t help myself but think what the lies the newspapers may have said about him and the abolition movement. Here is my possible interpretation below.

Could You Get ‘Special Exemption’?

With the abolition of the slave trade on the horizon, Sir Frank Green Lord Mayor of London has suggested that certain businessmen and trade owners could be given special status with respect to the slave trade in the event of a complete abolition.



Are 1 In 5 merchants Set To Leave The UK For the Americas?

A survey conducted by Kentish Gazette suggests the potential impact that criminalising the Slave Trade could have on Britain’s business culture, with 21% of merchants considering moving their headquarters to the Americas in order to maintain their civil liberties.

Phased Slavery Controls Are A Possibility In UK

A new government whitepaper detailing the UK’s steps towards an abolition suggests that citizens holding certain positions and connections to parliament living in the UK may not be asked to ‘surrender’ their slaves and that, instead, slave ownership will instead be ‘phased out’.

Abolition- another word for treason?

Due to the current situation between UK and France many MPs have declared the work of the abolitionists ‘an absolute joke’ at the least and ‘a jab in the back of the king’. The abolitionists have been accused of encouraging disloyalty to the crown and stirring up civil unrest. The current issue that lies with France suggests that any talk of abolition may be enough to provoke an accusation of treason.

Britain’s worst days are yet to come

According to an article published just yesterday in The Register the UK will seek to lose an immeasurable amount of wealth if the abolitionists have their way. The UK has benefited greatly and the slave trade has provided a surplus of jobs for many ordinary labourers. Most MPs have eradicated any mention of support for abolition and continue to oppose any changes to the current constitution. William Wilberforce is standing alone in his defiance. According to sources only 19% of British citizens are in favour of the abolition of the slave trade.

Perhaps you’ve seen some similar headlines in these past few months. I know I have although not regarding the slave trade of course. I can only imagine the amount of people who were constantly out to trip up William Wilberforce and the amount of traps and ambushes that were waiting for him at every turn. However, there was hope because Heaven was on his side and no matter the amount of newspapers stirring up hatred, opposing MPs and general negativity God had His way. Thanks to William Wilberforce’s stamina and faith in God many millions of slaves were released from a life of misery and sorrow and could taste the true beauty of freedom.

My prayer is that despite the negativity and the opposition we would fix our eyes on Heaven and do whatever it is that God has called us to. And it may be that one day you will be the one William Wilberforce would like to meet!



Most of the time when we think of eternity we think of the future. In the dictionary two main definitions come up: “infinite or unending time” and “endless life after death”. While they are both true indeed there is a tendency to put them in a box.

Our God is eternal it says so in the bible.

“But You, O LORD, abide forever, And Your name to all generations.” (Psalm 102:12)                                                                                  and

“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” (Revelation 1:8)

Here we can see that the past, the present and the future are all mentioned. If we are in God and abide in him then we are living in eternity. In the bible it also says that we were always in God’s mind: Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5).

The ‘I knew you’ refers not only to mere acquaintance, but choice as a consequence of knowledge. This means that God already knew those parts of us that are our characteristics, our funny and weird ways, our desires and our gifts. We were already there in God’s heart and therefore we existed before we were born.

Sometimes people say they feel like they existed somewhere but they are not sure where. Many people also believe in reincarnation but that’s not the truth. The truth is we did exist inside God and He often took us in his hands and whispered His plans and desires for us. We are eternal and we will go on existing after we die. I do know that we were not angels, nor did we have a body but I do know that God is our Father and we once played inside him together with joy and delight. However, He wanted us to chose Him with our free will and to go back home to Heaven one day which is why He sent us here. But we are so much more than just a speck of light and that’s why he sewed us together in our mother’s womb carefully not missing out a single detail.

But I think isn’t it exciting to know that while the dinosaurs existed, and when he created Adam and Eve we were inside God. And isn’t it incredible to know that when we leave this earth we have an eternal home. We existed in God and God is outside time so I guess that kind of makes us time travellers! How awesome is that! I am also sure that in Heaven we will be able to look back and see all of the wonderful things He has done for us.

That changes my perspective on how I see things. However big a problem and however much I feel stressed, alone or burdened I know that it’s all just a speck in God’s bigger eternal plan . However, despite it being so small compared to the rest of eternity I know that I still matter to Him and that He will never leave me alone.




No More Grey

I recently saw an article titled “Breaking News the church of satan has finally been opened in America” dated beginning of 2016. The article says that they hope “that it will motivate other satanists to come out from the shadows…”. I thought it was curious to say the least so I read a little further into it. They have, and with much careful consideration I will add, painted a very rosy picture and to anyone lacking discernment they may very well be persuaded to join.

In the article it states that, “We worship the Complete Self and we exalt in forbidden knowledge and the paths to power,”. This is a stark contrast to what the Jesus said we should do “deny yourselves and follow me” (Matthew 16:24 NIV). I found that it was thought provoking to have been opened in 2016 right at the time when we are experiencing a spiritual shift in the atmosphere it makes sense that the devil would cough up something counterfeit. It also made me wonder today as I was looking around and seeing how much subtle darkness there is around us.

It was world book day today and a very large percentage of children decided to dress up as Harry Potter characters. You might say this is harmless fun just like Halloween but I beg to differ. I do think that witchcraft and in general anything supernatural is becoming more mainstream after being hidden away for years and perhaps this is no coincidence. (I am not talking just about religion here). As a mother my initial reaction would be to hide my son away, to try and protect him from the darkness and to shut my doors and close my windows. I don’t believe that this will do anything but allow the darkness to breed. You see darkness can only spread if it’s allowed to and if it has no light to stop it then it will continue knocking down everything in its path and cloaking it with a suffocating blanket of false comfort and belonging. If we are hidden inside our houses eventually the darkness will find a way in and even if it doesn’t you have not spread the light any further than your door frame and that is a very small flame indeed.

Nevertheless, while it is indeed important to protect our children the bible actually tells us that God is our ultimate protector and the bible instructs us “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Psalm 22:6 NIV). This actually doesn’t mean shutting them away but rather pointing out the dangers, explaining the truth to them and showing them their purpose in all of this. Yes we need to be careful and there are sometimes people who you know are not best to have around your children. However, my son does know about angels, he knows that God is bigger than the power of any witch but he also knows God loves them and wants a relationship with them. I’ve heard him telling his friends casually about heaven and sometimes he prays with all his heart about things that completely amaze me. He is only 5 and I hope and pray his faith continues to grow.

This brings me back to the article I saw. I believe it’s significant because in the future if we do not declare and pray we will see a great many people and among them children joining this ‘church of satan’. Just like Harry Potter has become very hip and cool among kids it may even become popular to make real spells in the future. Evil will not be made to look bad. The devil is not that stupid.

However, I have seen it prophesied that another generation will rise up from the dusty dry ground and speak life like never before, they will  do miracles unheard of and they will walk in great power and authority bringing light and truth wherever you go. They will literally blind the darkness.

Our children are part of this next generation. In their generation unlike ours there will be no middle ground, no grey areas. There will either be black or white. Make sure your son or daughter knows the truth. They are never too young for the truth. It’s time for us to wake up as a generation of purpose driven parents to guide the next generation so they in turn can guide those that follow.

Now it’s not the end of the world it’s only the start of something bigger, there will be spiritual forces battling one another and we may even see them with our natural eyes but God is ultimately going to have the last word. A new era has been birthed on God’s timeline so arise ye who were created for this time of “The Kingdom Age”.


Source: Issac Jipsy (2016) found at www.linkedin.com/pulse/breaking-news-church-satan-has-finally-been-opened-america-jipsy

Photo: fashion central.com

Heaven Culture

Did you know in heaven they have roller coasters?

Yes you heard me. Its time to get out of our box, our comfortable little box full of all the comfortable and cosy little things we are used to. I am not talking about a literal box but rather the box that  is the limited space that we think in. I rather like the quote from a prophetess who says “it’s time to take your natural mind out and replace it with your spiritual mind”. This is important because before we are to understand the supernatural and the spiritual things of this realm and the next we need to say “goodbye” or “adios” to our fixed ideas and open our eyes to the fact that the most real and exciting things cannot be placed inside a box.

In heaven there is a roller coaster called The Rush. It is higher than any roller coaster we can imagine on earth. In fact it goes miles up and the capsules leap off the roller coaster before landing back on it and whizzing down and then up to the next loop. I know I want to live my life like that here. I don’t want to wait until I die.

In heaven people see music. Well I know that there is a condition called Lexical-gustatory synesthesia which is where certain colours, emotions and more commonly sounds cause these people to experience taste and smell. In heaven be prepared to have your senses crossed over, mixed up and being entirely topsy turvy as we know it. In this busy world sometimes I close my eyes and try and imagine what this would be like.

In heaven everything is full of light including the food. I can’t imagine weight gain is an issue here or greed for that matter. God is our light, in fact it was one of the first things he created.  One day soon people are going to use light to paint and do many other things here on the earth. I just can’t wait.

But why wait. Let’s all start by taking out our natural minds and taking a leap into the unknown. I bet you never knew that heaven was a lot more fun than a few angels sitting on a cloud and perhaps very soon people will dare to live the unknown here on earth bringing to life the very words Jesus spoke, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”.

Join me in this prayer and let’s live in expectation.